Snowpro Plus+ New Features Release 37
(Maintenance Release - May 2021)
This release is a maintenance release. See details below.
Get Current Update
Because of changes to the software and registration server the best way to update to the current version of Snowpro Plus+ is to download the software from our website. This information is available on the current invoice. If you need assistance then send a request to email providing your name, phone number and a convenient date and time to contact you and we will phone you to walk you through this.
6 Month Subscriptions Discontinued
We have removed our 6 month option. We found that almost no one was interested in the 6 month subscriptions and that most who wanted more would usually purchase the Annual Subscription.
This reduces the work of managing the shorter subscriptions for very few customers.
Pricing details are located in this article.
Annual Subscriptions
We continue as well to provide Annual Subscriptions with a bonus free 2nd license allowing you to run Snowpro software on two computers at the same time.
Let's Get Started Now
Order Now! - You can order either type of subscription online at our Online Store.
Get a Free Trial! - You can download the full featured trial version of Snowpro Plus+
The Trial is full featured and not restricted in any way. Therefore, you can see exactly what you get in the Annual Subscription version. The Trial is active for 15 days after installation and can only be installed once on a computer.
Note this version is a maintenance release with no major feature changes.
The following features are listed below: (Click on Details link)
We have made changes to make the software work well with Windows 10 current updates.
A new registration server. For 2 or more computers this means you can use the same registration license number and activation on all computers. This will simplify your installation and support requests as you only need one set of registration information.
New Compiler (Delphi Sydney 10.4)
The compiler is the development software we use to produce Snowpro. This software is continually upgraded by Embarcadero, the producer, to take advantages of new technologies and hardware in the computer industry. We are using Rad Studio for Delphi Version Sydney10.4. This supports all Windows versions from Win7 to Windows 10. This provides the improved performance, memory management, and better stability of the Snowpro Plus+ software.
Updated Registration Server
We have updated our registration server to allow multiple computers on single license/serial number. This will simplify the installation of Snowpro Plus+ on multiple computers as you only need one set of information for all computers.
Bug Fixes
We are happy to report that no new bugs have been reported since the last release. Let us know if you do encounter any issues in the new release and we will do our best to fix this right a way.