Request to Our Snowpro Users For Your Comments On Snowpro

We would like to let other possible users know about the features and benefits of using Snowpro Plus+ for creating snow profile graphs.

We invite anyone who has had a good or great experience with our software to send us a note telling us what you really liked and how it helped you in your work at your job.

We would like to put your words on our web site and newsletters as public confirmation on the usefulness of our Snowpro products.

Tell us if you would be willing to lend your name and comments to this. Include your work place if appropriate. We will also link your location if you would like this.

Also if you have a negative comment then I would like to hear that as well. We strive to provide the best productd possible. If we are not then we want to fix that. Your comments will help us in that manner.


Gary Sims


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