We are currently working on the Free Snowpro Web version for creating and printing snow profiles. This is being designed to provide a basic snow profile to the snow community.
Development Details
This version will not have all the bells and whistles that our Snowpro Plus+ version has but will serve a useful function and allow you to record your profile info to share and to save.
This will be put up on the web in various versions over the next month or so. We encourage people to register for the free version and use it to let us know how it is going.
Please let us know about any bugs found. We are going to select 5 people from all of those who send in useful comments or bugs found information and give them a free Annual Subscription to Snowpro Plus+.
Comments can be sent to our support email at support@gasman.com or by leaving a message below to this note.
Current Status (2016-12-01)
We had hoped to have this available for Winter 2016-17. However, due to heavy work load on other software projects, we have not made enough progress yet to be able to release this. Watch for a public announcement when this is available.
The work has been progressing well. We have implemented all login, security and framework development. We are now into the meat of the development work and are developing the mapping and profile modules. Once we have enough done to be useful, we will put up a beta version for comments.
If you would like to join the beta tester team then send me an email request to our support email at support@gasman.com.
Stay tuned!!