Snowpro Installation and Security Considerations
Snowpro Plus+ has been updated to work with the newest Windows 10 and 11 Operating Systems. Windows contains many features to protect users from spam, viruses, and other nasty online problems.
Software developers like Gasman use the web to deliver software to purchasers. In order to make sure that these programs are not modified with viruses, Windows performs a number of tests before running the software.
As part of our development we use the Microsoft Authenticode Code Signing technology to certify the Snowpro Plus+ software. This is done by appending a special certificate to the software (which only we can do) that allows the Windows operating system to check the source of the software (which is Gasman Industries Ltd.) and to check whether the software has been modified since production. If there are any issues with the software then Windows will report this and not run the software.
Microsoft (creator of Windows) compiles a database of all software downloaded using web browsers. When a new software such as Snowpro is first released it tracks how often it is downloaded and reports the software as unknown. Overtime as Snowpro is downloaded without report of viruses Windows then reports the software as reliable.
What this means is initially when Snowpro Plus+ is first released you might get the following message from Windows when you first run the Snowpro installation program as follows:
Simply click on the "More info" link to get the following dialog, then click the "Run Anyway" button. Rest assured that the Snowpro Plus+ installation is safe.
After a while as Snowpro is installed more times and used these messages
will disappear.
If you have any questions or concerns then feel free to contact
us at